Sequoyah County Commissioners Office

There are three county commissioners' districts in every county in Oklahoma. The districts are approximately equal in population and numbered as district one, two and three. A county commissioner is elected by the electors within a district to serve on the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners is the chief administrative body for the county. Many citizens perceive a county commissioner as mainly being responsible for maintaining and constructing the county roads and bridges. While these are important duties required by the office, a county commissioner, as a member of the board, is also responsible for setting and administering policies for the county.
By law, the commissioners must act as a board when entering into contracts or other agreements affecting the county's welfare. Thus, actions taken by the board are voted on and approved by a majority of the commissioners. The board of county commissioners has legal powers when acting in the county's welfare. Among the powers granted by law are the authority to:
- Sell or purchase public land or buildings for the county.
- Call a county bond election for approving a public project or creating a special district.
- Incur public indebtedness in the county's name.
- Implement an economic development program for the county.
- Purchase security contracts known as a blanket bond to insure all county officers and employees for any loss to the county when carrying out their duties.
- Approve the warrants for payments of claims for equipment or supplies purchased or leased by the county and the warrants for the county payroll.
- Receive and approve all bids on major purchases or construction projects.
- Authorize and maintain an inventory of all the property owned or leased by the county which exceeds $500 in value.
- Audit the accounts of the county officers.
- Develop minimum personnel policies for the county employees with the approval of a majority of all the elected county officers.
- Serve on and/or appoint members to trust authorities, service districts, county boards and councils
- Designate and publish each year (in conjunction with the county excise board) the holidays on which the county offices may close.
- Lease tools, apparatus, machinery or equipment to another county, political subdivision or state agency, or jointly buy equipment with other counties.
- Maintain and construct the roads and bridges in the county highway system.
The board of county commissioners plays an integral part in the receiving and expending county funds. As the county's chief administrative body, the three county commissioners must make major financial decisions and transactions. Also, the board of county commissioners has the official duty to ensure the fiscal responsibility of the other county officers who handle county funds. By law, the board has the power and duty to audit the accounts of all the officers who receive and manage money belonging or appropriated to the county
Sequoyah County Commissioners
District One
Southeast District
Ray Watts
119 South Oak StreetSallisaw, OK 74955 Phone: (918) 427-5371
District Two
Western District
Steve Carter
119 South Oak StreetSallisaw, OK 74955 Phone: (918) 773-5281
District Three
Central District
Jim Rogers
119 South Oak StreetSallisaw, OK 74955 Phone: (918) 775-6458